

How to prepare your backpack

Do you always travel with a suitcase and this time you have decided on a backpack? Regardless of the destination or the time, what is

How to get to the Barcelona Airport

What are you plans for the next holiday? What’s the best way to get to Barcelona Airport? You don’t need to worry about your luggage,

Tips for amazing family travel

A family trip is a great adventure and is one of the best things to do in life. Traveling with your whole family can be

The best Apps for traveling

The use of technology is in our day to day. Nowadays there are applications for almost everything to make our lives easier. From applications to

Barcelona in wheelchair

Barcelona is an accessible city and offers facility for disabled travelers or wheelchair users.

Sant Jordi in Barcelona

The Day of Sant Jordi is one of the most exciting and popular celebrations in Barcelona, a UNESCO City of Literature since 2015.