“Semana Santa” Barcelona Easter

Holy Week or Easter Holidays is one of the most important celebrations of the Christian calendar and, in Catalonia, it is lived with great devotion and tradition. This week, which culminates on Easter Monday, is full of ceremonies and religious acts that commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

One of the great attractions in any city during Holy Week are the processions. In Barcelona, processions are also organized by the brotherhoods and take place on Thursday and Friday. During these processions, the penitents carry religious steps dressed in tunics and go through the main streets of the city.

Most of these processions are held in the center of Barcelona, very close to Plaça Catalunya Aerobús bus stop, the shuttle service from Barcelona to Barcelona Airport.

We show you a list by Barcelona Turisme of the most outstanding processions in the city of Barcelona:

  • Sortida del pas de la Burreta. Parròquia de Sant Agustí. 2/4. At 10am.
  • Processó de la Bona Mort. Parròquia Major de Santa Anna. 2/4. From 6pm to 9 pm.
  • Viacrucis de la Sang. Basílica de Santa Maria del Pi. 6/4. At 6pm.
  • Processó de Divendres Sant. Parròquia de Sant Agustí. 7/4. From 5pm to 11pm.
  • Processó de la Mare de Déu dels Dolors. Església de Sant Jaume. 7/4. From 7pm to 10pm.

Mona de Pacua

In addition, Easter Holidays in Barcelona has various traditions One of the most outstanding are the monas de Pascua that are celebrated on Easter Monday. The Catholic tradition observes that the godfather gives the mona to his godson. Now, the typical chocolate egg has evolved into authentic chocolate pieces of art.

If you are in Barcelona during Easter Holidays, remember that on Friday and on Monday are public holidays in the city and, therefore, many shops and tourist attractions may remain closed.

“Semana Santa” is a unique festivity that attracts thousands of people to the streets. The best way to enjoy this traditional festivity is by living it at street!